1 September 2023 : The Descending Moon

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,


The night unfolds its tapestry, each thread woven with secrets only I am privy to. There's a somber stillness as I gaze outside my window. The moon, once the queen of the night, is descending, gradually conceding to the cloak of darkness.

The descent is not a mere astronomical phenomenon, but an omen of what's to come. As Halloween approaches, it's as if the moon knows the power of shadows and lets them reign supreme, allowing creatures of the night to rise and revel.

But Diary, amidst the impending eerie ambiance, I couldn't help but get lost in the world of fashion. The city streets, once mundane, now serve as a runway for my unique creations. The "Wednesday Dress", as they've come to call it, has become a sensation. Its dark allure, much like my own, captures the spirit of the season. The dress, with its somber blacks and pristine whites, embodies the duality of light and shadow, perfectly reflecting the phases of the moon.

Many have tried to emulate the iconic Wednesday Dress, hoping to capture its essence for their Halloween costume. But as flattering as it is, they merely scratch the surface. The dress is not just a piece of fabric; it's an extension of my soul, a testament to the melancholy and mystery that resides within me.

I've noticed little girls looking up to me, their eyes filled with wonder and a touch of fear, eager to don the Wednesday Dress for Halloween. It warms my cold heart to know that I've become an emblem of the season, a beacon for those who embrace the dark charm.

Yet, as the days grow shorter and the moon continues its descent, I can't help but ponder. Is the world ready for what's to come? The line between reality and the supernatural blurs, and the shadows grow bolder.

But for now, Diary, I'll bask in the fleeting limelight, watch the world from my window, and prepare. Halloween is coming, and with it, a night where the Wednesday Dress won't just be a costume, but a declaration of one's allegiance to the night.


Until the morrow,


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