9 September 2023: the ravishing drama of the Addams family Halloween costumes preparation

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,


The mansion is abuzz with a peculiar kind of energy, the kind that usually precedes something utterly mundane. Morticia is contemplating the depth of her wardrobe choices, probably wondering if she should surprise the world by choosing a dress that is one shade lighter than midnight for this year’s Halloween. Oh, the scandal it would cause!

Gomez, on the other hand, is in a costume dilemma, a theatricality of indecisiveness that, frankly, only he can perform with such zeal. As for me, I am simply watching the show unfold, the ravishing drama of the Addams family Halloween costumes preparation, while occasionally pondering upon the sophistication of the raven dance dress, a piece of art that surpasses all sartorial expectations.

In the midst of this chaos, Itt is nowhere to be found, a circumstance that is becoming rather concerning, albeit a welcome distraction from the predictable whirlpool of couples costume dilemmas that seem to be consuming my parents.


Until the morrow,


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