3 September 2023: Thing and Pugsley ganging up on me.

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,


The day began with an odd piece of information from an even odder source - Thing. The little hand scuttled into my room, tapping out a rhythm that suggested urgency. With a series of gestures, pointing to my computer and then miming typing motions, Thing tried to convey something. It took a few moments, but I deciphered that it had overheard people mentioning they had Googled certain keywords: "Wednesday Adult Cosplay," "Wednesday Adult Costume," "Adult Addams Family Costumes," "Wednesday Costume Womens," and "Wednesday Addams Costume Womens."

Naturally, I was skeptical. Thing and Pugsley often conspire to play pranks, especially to lure me out of my room. The idea of adults wanting to cosplay as me? Or the fact that there's an entire line of Addams family costumes for women? It seemed a touch too... mainstream for my tastes.

But as the day wore on, the idea gnawed at me. What if Thing was being truthful? The thought of people - adults no less - wanting to emulate our unique Addams charm was both amusing and oddly flattering.

In the end, I decided not to grace Pugsley with the satisfaction of seeing me react, whether this was a prank or not. But I must admit, there's a tiny part of me that is curious. Tomorrow, perhaps, I'll indulge that curiosity and see for myself.


For now, I remain,


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