5 September 2023: Wednesday's Chat with Thing

Dear diary and lost souls,

The mansion was unusually quiet for a Thursday evening. The faint whisper of the wind outside and the distant hooting of an owl were the only sounds breaking the stillness. I sat in the living room, a room that had witnessed countless shenanigans of our peculiar family. Tonight, however, my thoughts were consumed by one singular concern: what would the Addams Family wear this Halloween?

Every year, the anticipation of our Halloween costumes became a central topic of discussion. The idea of an "Addams Family Halloween Costume" was, in many ways, a paradox. We were the embodiment of the spirit of Halloween every day, so what could we possibly wear that would be different?

I looked down to see Thing, our disembodied hand, tapping its fingers restlessly on the table. It seemed to sense my contemplation. "Thing," I began, "do you ever wonder what we should wear for Halloween?"

Thing made a series of gestures, tapping and pointing, communicating in its own unique sign language. It seemed to suggest that perhaps we should embrace our true selves, and simply be the Addams Family. But the thought of the entire mansion dressed in the typical "Addams Family Costume" seemed almost... mundane.

I countered, "But don't you think we should surprise the world? Everyone expects us to be the quintessential Addams. Maybe we should turn the tables."

Thing paused, then drummed its fingers in a pattern that I recognized as its version of a chuckle. It then traced out an image of Lurch in a fairy costume and Uncle Fester as a sunflower. The imagery was amusing, to say the least.

I laughed, "That would indeed be a sight. Lurch fluttering around and Uncle Fester spreading sunshine. But what about us? What would you wear, Thing?"

Thing gestured towards a tiny knight's armor and then a puppeteer's setup, suggesting that it could either be a brave knight or have its own set of mini puppet hands.

A smile crept onto my face, "Ingenious, Thing. Perhaps the best way to celebrate Halloween is to embrace the unexpected."

As the night deepened, I realized that our family was unique, and whatever we chose to wear would be iconic. Because in the end, it wasn't about the costume but the Addams spirit we brought to it.


For now, I remain,


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