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Wednesday Diary

27 January 2024 - Garden Planning

We planned our garden for the upcoming spring, deciding which herbs and flowers to plant. Father and my Brother contributed their ideas, making it a family effort. Mother, in her...

27 January 2024 - Garden Planning

We planned our garden for the upcoming spring, deciding which herbs and flowers to plant. Father and my Brother contributed their ideas, making it a family effort. Mother, in her...

26 January 2024 - Snow Ritual

We performed a snow ritual today, using the snow we gathered earlier. Mother, looking regal in her Morticia dress, led the ceremony. I wore my Wednesday dress, feeling the cold...

26 January 2024 - Snow Ritual

We performed a snow ritual today, using the snow we gathered earlier. Mother, looking regal in her Morticia dress, led the ceremony. I wore my Wednesday dress, feeling the cold...

25 January 2024 - Potpourri Making

Today, we made potpourri from dried herbs and flowers. The manor is now filled with the scent of rosemary, lavender, and roses. Mother, in her Morticia costume, oversaw the process....

25 January 2024 - Potpourri Making

Today, we made potpourri from dried herbs and flowers. The manor is now filled with the scent of rosemary, lavender, and roses. Mother, in her Morticia costume, oversaw the process....

24 January 2024 - Winter Solstice Reflection

We spent the day reflecting on the Winter Solstice, revisiting the rituals we performed. Mother, in her Morticia dress, shared her wisdom and insights. I wore my Wednesday dress, listening...

24 January 2024 - Winter Solstice Reflection

We spent the day reflecting on the Winter Solstice, revisiting the rituals we performed. Mother, in her Morticia dress, shared her wisdom and insights. I wore my Wednesday dress, listening...

23 January 2024 - Crafting Amulets

Mother and I crafted protective amulets today, using materials from the garden. Her Morticia costume was a striking contrast to the dark stones and herbs we used. I wore my...

23 January 2024 - Crafting Amulets

Mother and I crafted protective amulets today, using materials from the garden. Her Morticia costume was a striking contrast to the dark stones and herbs we used. I wore my...

22 January 2024 - Blessing the Garden

Today, we blessed the garden, asking for protection and growth in the coming year. We used herbs and crystals, chanting ancient words. Father and my Brother joined us, their presence...

22 January 2024 - Blessing the Garden

Today, we blessed the garden, asking for protection and growth in the coming year. We used herbs and crystals, chanting ancient words. Father and my Brother joined us, their presence...