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Wednesday Diary

2 September 2023: Wednesday's Arachnid Infatuation

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,   The mansion was abuzz with whispers and contemplations about the upcoming Halloween. Mother seemed lost in thoughts about her iconic dress, while Father, ever...

2 September 2023: Wednesday's Arachnid Infatuation

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,   The mansion was abuzz with whispers and contemplations about the upcoming Halloween. Mother seemed lost in thoughts about her iconic dress, while Father, ever...

2 September 2023 - Early Hours: Moonlit Musings...

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,   In the heart of the Addams mansion, past the whispering walls and shadow-draped hallways, lies my sanctuary: a room where every crevice tells a...

2 September 2023 - Early Hours: Moonlit Musings...

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,   In the heart of the Addams mansion, past the whispering walls and shadow-draped hallways, lies my sanctuary: a room where every crevice tells a...

2 September 2023 - Early Hours: The Full Moon t...

The air had that distinct chill, the kind that tickles your spine and makes you feel oddly alive. Nature at night has always been an ally of mine, and tonight,...

2 September 2023 - Early Hours: The Full Moon t...

The air had that distinct chill, the kind that tickles your spine and makes you feel oddly alive. Nature at night has always been an ally of mine, and tonight,...

1 September 2023 : The Descending Moon

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,   The night unfolds its tapestry, each thread woven with secrets only I am privy to. There's a somber stillness as I gaze outside my...

1 September 2023 : The Descending Moon

Dear Diary and Lost Souls,   The night unfolds its tapestry, each thread woven with secrets only I am privy to. There's a somber stillness as I gaze outside my...