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Wednesday Diary

16 September 2023: Reflections on an Evening Out

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, Tonight, as the moon cast eerie shadows across the streets, Gomez and Morticia took a break from the draining ordeal of the past days to...

16 September 2023: Reflections on an Evening Out

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, Tonight, as the moon cast eerie shadows across the streets, Gomez and Morticia took a break from the draining ordeal of the past days to...

14 September 2023: The Charming Mundanity

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, As we come closer to the heart of the mystery, I find myself fascinated by the mundane world's feeble attempts to encapsulate our charming lifestyle...

14 September 2023: The Charming Mundanity

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, As we come closer to the heart of the mystery, I find myself fascinated by the mundane world's feeble attempts to encapsulate our charming lifestyle...

13 September 2023: The Trail of Clues

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, Today the family uncovered what might be the most riveting event in this seemingly never-ending mansion – little notes hinting that Itt might have ventured...

13 September 2023: The Trail of Clues

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, Today the family uncovered what might be the most riveting event in this seemingly never-ending mansion – little notes hinting that Itt might have ventured...

12 September 2023: Wednesday's Vanity Reflection

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, As the family continues the dreary affair of the search for Itt, I find myself partaking in a rare act of vanity. In a corner...

12 September 2023: Wednesday's Vanity Reflection

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, As the family continues the dreary affair of the search for Itt, I find myself partaking in a rare act of vanity. In a corner...

7 September 2023: Moonlit Contemplation in Wedn...

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, As the September moon continued to wax, I slipped into my customary Wednesday outfit—a dress as dark as the night with a white collar that...

7 September 2023: Moonlit Contemplation in Wedn...

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, As the September moon continued to wax, I slipped into my customary Wednesday outfit—a dress as dark as the night with a white collar that...

6 September 2023: Moonlit Reflections in Wednes...

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, Under the September moon's enchanting gaze, I embraced my customary Wednesday Addams dress—a garment as dark as midnight with a white collar reminiscent of the...

6 September 2023: Moonlit Reflections in Wednes...

Dear Diary and Lost Souls, Under the September moon's enchanting gaze, I embraced my customary Wednesday Addams dress—a garment as dark as midnight with a white collar reminiscent of the...